Sam Ponniah secures acquittal in Modern Slavery case

Sam Ponniah secures acquittal in Modern Slavery case

09 September 2024

Sam Ponniah - instructed by Simon Harrison of RH Law Solicitors - has recently secured the acquittal of a defendant accused of committing offences under the Modern Slavery Act 2015, by forcing drug users to engage in drug dealing at his behest as part of ‘county lines’ drug dealing in the Grimsby area.

The prosecution dropped the case mid trial, after the jury were shown a s28 recording in which, under cross examination, the complainant gave an account which led the Crown to conclude that, on reflection having now considered the case as a whole, they could not proceed successfully with a prosecution.

Sentencing of the defendant, who has accepted being part of the larger drugs conspiracy, is adjourned pending the conclusion of the trial of other defendants.

Sam is regularly instructed, on behalf of both the prosecution and the defence, in large scale drug dealing offences as well as in cases involving organised criminality more generally. He regularly deals with offences of a seriousness that belies his call.

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