21 October 2024

This year marks 70 years since our Chambers was founded at 11 King’s Bench Walk, London by George Waller QC (a Newcastle silk).  From the start the focus for our work has especially been in Yorkshire and the North East (the North Eastern Circuit) and that remains up to the present day.  As a Chambers we have enjoyed enormous success including a former Lord Justice of Appeal and a Lord Chief Justice amongst many appointments to silk and to the Bench at all levels.  We are immensely proud of our hard-won reputation for excellence which we believe continues today right down to our most junior tenants. 

With Chambers and our highly rated clerking team based now in Leeds for many years, we have remained a “Circuit set” enjoying a wide breadth of contacts with solicitors and clients across the whole area and well beyond.   And as well as a change of location, whilst still a traditional set retaining those values of excellence and service, we have willingly embraced other changes.  Whereas once men predominated at the bar, now happily women make up a growing proportion of our 50 or so tenants.  Equally we are proud to have welcomed over many years members from ethnic minorities and with other diverse characteristics.  We are a forward thinking set with a huge range of talent across a number of areas of law. As we look to the future, we are confident that KBW will continue to flourish.

For more personal recollections of Chambers, please click on the links below, one from our most senior member and another from one of our successful juniors.

Nicholas Campbell KC

Lorena Veale


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